Do this on LinkedIn

Do this on LinkedIn

There's no denying it. Employers MAKE DECISIONS based on your LinkedIn Profile.

✅Employers are looking at your LinkedIn profile before they even call you in for an interview, so it really matters!!

Think about this... your LinkedIn profile is actually a reflection of
✔️Your values
✔️How much effort do you put into a project
✔️Your attention to details
✔️Your Personal Brand

Employers are looking at if your profile is
✔️Fully set up
✔️If the jobs and dates match those on your resume
✔️What you post
✔️What do you comment on
✔️If you have a professional photo
✔️How neat and organized it is

😉So... before you put that selfie in the car as your profile photo, and think that it's "good enough" remember that we aren't trying for just good enough. You want to be impressive.

✅Get a clean wall, dress professionally, give someone your smartphone, and take a better shot.

✅Clean background

✅Good lighting

✅No other people, pets, or body limbs (because you are cut out of a group picture)

🤩Smile! You got this!

Want more information on how to have a stellar LinkedIn profile, watch my 3 part video series all about LinkedIn. It's 3 short videos, so in 30 minutes, you can be a PRO!

❤ Cindy

🚨Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for weekly actionable videos to inspire, motivate, and educate you on all parts of the Job Search. 

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