How to Make Time for Your Job Search While Working

How to Make Time for Your Job Search While Working

⏱How to make time for job searching while working...

🫗Learn to set boundaries and say “no” to obligations that don’t serve you and you don’t enjoy, across all areas of your life. Taking care of YOU is not selfish. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

✍Write down how long you THINK it takes to do everything in a day, and then clock the ACTUAL time. Where are you spending (or possibly wasting... maybe social media or binge show watching) extra time on things that you don't have to or don't enjoy?

🚅Look for ways to streamline your personal and professional responsibilities.

⏲Budget and use your TIME as wisely as you do your money.

🧠Restructure your mindset around your current job. You can do a good job, while still setting boundaries. Protect your personal time.

📨Don't check your work emails or talk to clients in the evenings and on weekends. Know that there will always be something in your inbox. If there wasn't, you wouldn't have a job.

🙆‍♀Let little things go. Wash the kitchen floor less. Do laundry less frequently. Meal prep. Stay organized. Ask for help from your family around the house.

🔐Make a commitment to yourself. Schedule job search time into your calendar like a doctor’s appointment.

📝Put yourself on the list. Make the dedication to yourself, that you, your career, your happiness are worth it. As it impacts every part of your life… even your relationships with your family.

🔑Understand that if something is really important, you figure out how to make the time for it.

🤝Work with me for full hand holding, kicking you in the butt support.

❤ Cindy

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