How to Target Your Resume

How to Target Your Resume

❌Skip the spray and pray.

✅This is what you should do for EVERY job you apply to.

👩‍💻Read the job posting. The entire description. Even the long part in the beginning about the company. Now read it again.

🤔Picture what this role entails. See yourself in this position. What are you doing? What hard skills and soft skills are you using? Is it clear? If not, read the job posting again.

🤩Only when you are very clear about the position should you start to work on updating and targeting your resume. Remember the picture in your head. Now show them that you are that person.

✅It's not a MYSTERY.

✅The job posting actually TELLS you what is important for that job.

✅Select the appropriate accomplishments and experiences, and phrase it in a way that makes sense for this position in this field.

✅Make sure you showcase the VALUE you added. What is BETTER because of YOU?

✅You didn't just "do" your job, you were TOTALLY AWESOME at it, and now you get to demonstrate that!

➡️And if it's not relevant to the EXACT job you are applying to, REMOVE it from your resume!

🥰Looking for some help with that process. I'm glad you asked. That's exactly what I do. Hand holding, kicking you in the butt, results driven 1:1 career coaching.

❌You are NEVER lost in the back of a large virtual classroom, competing against others in the same room.

😍It's ALWAYS you and me, working together, as STRATEGIC PARTNERS, to help YOU reach YOUR goals!

📱Want to talk about what that looks like? Here's the link to my calendar for a FREE 45-minute discovery call to talk about YOU, your goals, and how I can help you achieve them. No pressures or obligations; just a conversation. Because you deserve to have someone on your side. 💓

❤ Cindy

🚨Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for weekly actionable videos to inspire, motivate, and educate you on all parts of the Job Search. 

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