Overcome Obstacles, Get Out of Your Way, and Be Successful

Overcome Obstacles, Get Out of Your Way, and Be Successful

🤔How often do you look at what is happening to you, and feel sorry for yourself?

😨Continuously look backwards at what could have, should have, or what you lost.

➡️Victim mode.

🥲In the moment, you may even feel oddly comforted by the sorrow. Enjoying the pity party.

➡️➡️But do you REALLY feel better?

🪞When you look in the mirror, are you proud of yourself and your actions? I know, this is deep and tough. But so are YOU.

➡️Bad things are going to happen. And yes, I will agree that it appears that some people have more negative things happen to them than others.

🪜So here are the steps. And it is uncomfortable. But the rewards are plentiful.

🪞Look in the mirror. Take a deep reflection on what happened and why.

➡️Was it something you could have prevented? Be honest with yourself.

➡️Did you play any part in what happened? OWN it. Unless we correct our mistakes, it is impossible to move forward.

✅What positive, constructive steps are you taking to move forward?

➡️Regardless of why it happened and whose fault it was, not accepting it and taking actions towards bettering your situation will keep you stuck.

➡️A pity party allows you to feel good about feeling bad.

✅Action makes you feel proud of who you are and what you can accomplish. Action is the anecdote to anxiety.

💪It feels so remarkable to say, look at what I have done. Look at what I have conquered and survived. Look at what I have achieved. Be truly proud of your initiative and journey.

💪Every person walking down the street has a story. Everyone has doubts, fears, and struggles.

✅Imposter syndrome impacts people at every level.

💪You can either make a decision to stay stuck. Or a decision to face your struggles, decide that you are a WARRIOR, and you are worth the effort.🙌

"Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice." - Zig Zigler

❤ Cindy

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