The Interview is over. I really want the job. What should I do?

The Interview is over. I really want the job. What should I do?

The interview is over.... you really want the job. What do you do now?

1- Within 24 hours, send a thank you email thanking them for taking the time to meet with you and mention something that will remind them of who you are.... something discussed during the interview that you both connected on. Express your interest in the position.

The Hiring Manager Interviews a lot of people and may not clearly recall who everyone was. This extra step will make you stand out.

If there was something relevant about your experience that you forgot to mention during the interview (and that happens to all of us, right?) now is the time to highlight it. Keep it short and concise.

2 - Send a very short, professional, HAND written thank you note in the MAIL as well. People get so little written mail, this little nicety can make the difference if the decision very tight between you and one other candidate, especially if your interviewer is a mature individual. It's just that extra step that shows your BRAND.

3- Politely follow up by email in 2-3 weeks.



References and Interviews

References and Interviews