There's More Than 1 Way to Get a Job

There's More Than 1 Way to Get a Job

😵‍💫I don't know who needs to hear this today, but there is MORE than 1 way to get a job!

🙉Don't allow anyone to tell you that the only way to get a job is through networking, posting on LinkedIn, applying directly, or if you know someone.

🤩In fact, there are MULTIPLE amazing ways to land a job, and this video will help you find what works best for you,

🎯Give you the direct script to use when networking

🎯Show you what you can do instead of begging someone to take a chance on you (especially if you are making a career change or are a transitioning teacher)

🎯Empower you to understand your VALUE, how totally awesome you are, the problem that you can solve for the company and position you are applying to, networking for, or posting about, and how you can MARKET YOURSELF to land the job.

😉Stop feeling discouraged because everyone is telling you that you "must" do certain things to land a job, and learn how to land the job, no matter which method you choose.

😍Truly the best (under) 5 minutes that you can spend on yourself today. Consider it self-care for your exhausted, frustrated job seeking self.

📺 Watch here or click on the image above!

If you are applying for jobs, do yourself a favor and take the next 6 minutes to watch this video which will dramatically change your resume, for the better!

❤ Cindy


00:00 Multiple ways to get a job
00:20 Networking, posting on LinkedIn, applying to jobs directly
01:40 What you need to do to get the job, no matter which method you choose
01:50 Why begging someone to give you a chance doesn't work
02:56 What it means to have a strong Personal Brand
03:29 Exact script to be specific when networking or asking for job search help 04:08 How to market yourself to get the job

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