Words to Never Use when Looking for a Job

Words to Never Use when Looking for a Job

Words never to use when looking for a job.

🚫I don't know...

💪Words have POWER! Use words that accurately reflect what you have accomplished and show you in a positive light.

➡️Help... certainty there is a stronger word to demonstrate the IMPACT and VALUE of what you did. Help sounds too much like "I helped Mommy set the table." You organized, created, designed, spearhead... you get the idea

➡️Just... I am just... or I just did... Minimizes the value of who you are and what you have successfully achieved.

➡️Only... I only did... Be proud of what you did. If you don't think it's great, you certainly aren't going to convince anyone else it is. The interview is the appropriate time to speak proudly of your accomplishments. No one will know what you've done if you don't tell them.

➡️Assist... Too many people use the word "assist" because they were part of a team and not the lead. So how about a more powerful word, like collaborate or partner?

➡️I don't know... Okay, it's 3 words, but still falls under the same category. When asked about something you don't know in an interview, there are 2 things to do.
1- Talk about the similarities and parallels it has to what you do know.
2- Talk about how quickly you can learn it.

➡️Make sure that every word you use displays you as strong and confident. 🙌💪


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