Video- How to Answer Bizarre, Unusual Interview Questions

Video- How to Answer Bizarre, Unusual Interview Questions

If you were an animal, what animal would you be? How many tennis balls can fit in a bus? Without a doubt, these are tough interview questions.

How does the potential employer expect you to answer these bizarre questions? Is there a right and a wrong answer? What is the point of asking these questions?

First off, yes, these actually are real interview questions, and believe it or not, there really is a rationale for the Hiring Manager to ask them.

Watch this video to learn what the employer is looking for, and how to think and respond to the questions to show that you are the best person for this specific job. Because, honestly, the answer to what animal you would be, is a very telling response into your personality, creativity, uniqueness, ability to problem solve, think on your feet, and understand the responsibilities and requirements of the job you are interviewing for.

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