Cover Letters

Cover Letters

The Cover Letter is one of the most overlooked tools in your job search toolbox and one that when used CORRECTLY, can make you positively stand out from the crowd.

In fact, some Hiring Mangers read the cover letter BEFORE they even look at your resume.

Believe it or not, there are 100s or possbily even 1,000s of people applying for every position. A 1 or 2 page resume is not a lot of space for you to really show how INCREDIBLE you are and how perfect you are for the position.

Remember, the purpose of the cover letter and resume is to interest the Hiring Manager in you so that they call you in for an interview. That is where you will have the chance to tell your stories and really SHINE.

Back to the cover letter. It is an opportunity to show that you took the EFFORT to get to really know and understand their company and are truly passionate about it.

It's also an excellent venue to mention things that don't belong on a resume. For Stay at Home Moms, you can simply and quickly address that you took time off to raise your family, and are fully engaged to return to the workforce.

Of course, all letters should be well written, free from typos and grammatical errors and should never be a boring, standard, cut and paste for every job posting.

Returning to the workforce...

Returning to the workforce...