Did You Assist or Did You Spearhead the Project?

Did You Assist or Did You Spearhead the Project?

Women have a hard time expressing their awesomeness.😔

👉Many have been taught to keep their heads down, work hard, and they will be recognized.
🤦That generally doesn't work.

👉Or maybe you work in an environment that focuses on TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More.
🤷‍♀️The problem is, that your future employer is not looking to hire your team, just one person, and you want them to hire YOU.

✅So make sure that you accurately take credit for the roles you played, both when writing them on your resume and in your interviews.

✅Use strong, descriptive words that accurately describe your efforts and the results of your actions - where you made a difference.

✅And if you were a part of the team, and not a leader, no worries, getting along well with team members is tremendously important. Just use the right words...

✅Collaborated with a cross functional team of 10 members to ...

✅Partnered with internal and external stakeholders, including... 

😉Sounds a lot better that assisted or helped, right?

🔥I know, it's HARD to do.
🔥It's hard to see strengths and skills in yourself.
🔥It's hard to recognize how your skills and accomplishments can be transferable when looking to make a career pivot.
🔥It's hard to write and talk about, when you're so used to minimizing your contributions.

😍And that, is EXACTLY why I'm here. To help YOU. Because I absolutely know how to write it and how to coach your interview prep so that you can truly showcase why you are AWESOME for the job.


When They Call for the Interview, They Already Know You Can Do the Job

When They Call for the Interview, They Already Know You Can Do the Job

Video - Job Search Rejections and WHY - Part 3

Video - Job Search Rejections and WHY - Part 3