Video - Dress to Impress At Your Interview

Video - Dress to Impress At Your Interview

From what to wear to why you should carry scotch tape in your bag, here’s everything you need to know to make a GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION and LAND THE JOB! 

Acing the interview is more than just what you say. What you wear absolutely will impact whether or not you get the job offer! Is it really necessary to wear a suit? How about your accessories? Will your favorite fragrance help you land the job or immediately send you to the rejection pile? Hear a story about how an outfit helped a woman land a higher job at the interview that the one she originally interviewed for.

Remember what Momma always said, “you only get 1 chance to make a good 1st impression.” Here’s how you can make YOUR Best 1st Impression!

Watch the video to learn how you can Dress to Impress at your next interview.

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