Here's Why Everything Matters in Your Job Search

Here's Why Everything Matters in Your Job Search

😮‍💨There's just so much to be concerned with.

😉Because Hiring Managers are looking at EVERYTHING. 👀

So let's talk about WHY❓️...

➡️There are 100s of applicants for every single position. (And this is nothing new. I've been doing this for 9 years, and it's always been that way)

➡️Employers need ways to reduce that number. Imagine sorting through 100s of resumes, and interviewing 100s of people. Seriously. Their job is to choose the 1 right person out of 100s.

  • That's why everything counts.

  • Once you hit send, everything is part of the interview process.

➡️Because Candidates are going to look VERY SIMILAR in terms of education and experience.

❓️So what else can Hiring Managers look at?

📷︎Social Media and your LinkedIn profile, for sure. Social media is such a tremendous part of our world, our identity, and our Personal Brand. It matters. (Think about celebrities that have been called out for comments they posted online years ago.)

➡️How resourceful you are. Employers are not looking for someone that claims they can think outside of the box and are a great problem solver, yet can't solve even the simplest challenge, and need a lot of hand holding throughout the processes.

✔️True story... A client of mine told me that a company emailed her that they wanted to interview her, and asked her to suggest times she was free. The company was in a different time zone than she was. Instead of offering times and listing both time zones (ex 10 am EDT/9 am CDT), OMG she CALLED the Hiring Manager to ask which time zone she should list. (I wish she had contacted me first!!) For sure the Hiring Manger is thinking. "you are bothering me with a phone call for something as simple as this, you are not able to independently problem solve.

📧Your correspondence. Are you prompt, professional, and polite? Is your wiring error-free? Remember, if they are going to hire you, your timeliness and professionalism now reflect their company. Remember your please and thank yous.

➡️Your attire. How you present yourself. After all, as an employee, you will be a Brand Ambassador to their company.

➡️Do you appear to have passion and drive? Can't teach that. You either do or you don't.

➡️Do you use speak negatively about your past boss, job, or career? It's no secret that bosses and employees don't always get along, but talking negatively speaks poorly about you and will cost you the job.

➡️Are you pleasant? Remember, it's not just CAN you do the work. LOTS of people can do the work.

✅Employers are looking for the right fit for their company. A great employee who is passionate, hard-working, easy to get along with, and excited to be a part of their company.


Job Application Checklist

Job Application Checklist

LinkedIn Photos Check-Off List! 📷

LinkedIn Photos Check-Off List! 📷