Exactly How to (& How Not to) Answer Interview Questions

Exactly How to (& How Not to) Answer Interview Questions

➡️ One ➡️ Word ➡️ Answers ➡️ Will ➡️ Not ➡️ Get ➡️ You ➡️ The ➡️ Job‼️

✅All questions should be answered as open-ended questions.

✖️Avoid answering any question with 1-word answers, even if that is an option.

Yes and no answers, or just saying that your strength is “organization” does not paint the picture.

✅This is your opportunity to market yourself and convince the person in front of you that you have the skills to do this job, the insight into what this position requires, the parallel experience and accomplishments, and the drive and personality to make a significant positive impact for their company.

✅Give examples!

✅Tell stories, always with a positive outcome, showcasing not just a long timeline and task list, but a succinct example with measurable results.

✅Use the STAR method.

❤ Cindy

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