HUGE job search mindset shift ⬆️for DRAMATIC results!!

HUGE job search mindset shift ⬆️for DRAMATIC results!!

HUGE job search mindset shift ⬆️for DRAMATIC results!!
Stop. 🛑Think about the job search from the other side.
The employer's perspective. 👀
Are you showing them how totally awesome you are? 🤩

Or are your posts all about your wants, your needs, how dissatisfied you are with your current job? 😲

Think about that... honestly... will that COMPEL someone to want to hire you? Or even call you in for an interview. 😉 Probably not, right?

Client K.D. changed her mindset about what LinkedIn was all about, realizing it was about what SHE could do for THEM, and she landed the job! 🙌

Remember, companies are hiring people to fill roles within their company. They need to make a decision on whom to chose.🤔

There are 100s of people applying for each and every position. (And that's not a new thing. 5 years ago, 10 years ago, it was the same way.)

They want the best person for that role. It's your job to SHOW them that. 🤩

Make sure that every part of the process, from your resume, to your cover letter, LinkedIn profile, posts, social media, and interviewing display this. How totally awesome you are. Because you truly are. 😍

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