Job Seeking is Tough...

Job Seeking is Tough...

➡️Job Seeking is TOUGH! And to make it even worse, sometimes, people that are close to us, say things that are not supportive. Put you down. Discourage you. 😞

➡️It could be because they really don't know. They are TRYING to be supportive, but don't know the job market, and can't see you in a position other than the one you are currently in. 🤔

➡️And sometimes people are jealous. Maybe they are unhappy in their career, but don't have the courage that YOU have to do something about it. Remember, finding a new job is stepping outside of your comfort zone!! It takes courage!! YOU ARE A WARRIOR 💪

✅Don't stay in a conversation where people make you feel badly about who you are. 😉✅YOU are always in control of what you allow people to say to you. Remember that. 😉

✅You can even respond with, " I know you mean well, but we are not going to talk about my job search. We can talk about (books, movies, recipes, the kids, etc. but not my job search)." Have your set of safe topics, and stay there. ☺️

✅You are ALWAYS in control of what you allow people to say to you!! 🤗
✅You DESERVE to be around people who value you, lift you, and appreciate you.

"When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she had always been. But she had wings." - Dean Jackson🦋

🤗Don’t let anyone diminish your value, optimism, and shine ✨✨Spread your wings 🦋🥰

What does it mean to "Research the company before going on an interview.

What does it mean to "Research the company before going on an interview.

Video - Women's Empowerment Series - Gwen's Story

Video - Women's Empowerment Series - Gwen's Story