Magic Wand

Magic Wand

Here it is. Your magic wand. Poof. Your wish has come true. Ok, maybe it's a little more complicated than that. But what if you could literally wave a magic wand and make the biggest obstacle or challenge about going back to the workforce go away? How great would that feel?

Now if you aren't interested in going back to the work force, then this doesn't apply to you. But since you're here, I know that at some root level, a part of you wants, dreams, wishes, or needs to go back to work. So let's work on that magic wand.

Have you ever mastered something that was difficult to do? Remember how great that felt? And it could have been anything... from conquering cancer to learning a new computer program to making French macaroons (you know, the cookies with "feet"). Seriously, we ALWAYS feel stronger, better, more confident and empowered when we face our challenges, put on our big girl panties and conquer.

You are not JUST a mother. You are a strong woman, actually a WARRIOR, and you deserve to be happy, productive, and challenged.

So let's talk about those magic wands again. There are lots of free magic wands I have available, that will address all those obstacles, fears, and challenges you have about going back to work. (And if I missed one that is important to you, let me know. I'm happy to produce the content you desire to watch and read.)

So.... here you go.

WEEKLY FREE YouTube videos on soooo many topics (every week, so far there are 32 videos available for you!

FREE Private Facebook Group with EXCLUSIVE content - Here's what a member just posted!! "Thank you Cindy for all you do for us. Your posts, videos, resume hot seats and support have helped me get hired. I appreciate you! I have attended webinars, participated in challenges and watched countless videos by other career coaches. Cindy is by far the best! She gives practical advice, encouragement, and yes a little kick in the butt to get us moving. I have and always will recommend Cindy to other Stay at Home Moms who need to reenter the workforce." - Susan D

FREE Phone call with me (personally!) - Yes! Let's talk about YOU and how I can wave my magic wand and help you to overcome your obstacles and achieve your career goals.

"I applied! Thank you Cindy for ALL your help and encouragement. You are so good at what you do! I am also 100% certain I would not have been able to do any of this without your guidance and expertise.🤗💗" - Katie M

I am here to inspire, motivate and empower YOU.

Checklist for Job Search - Figure out what's not working!

Checklist for Job Search - Figure out what's not working!

Video - Outdated Skills and Your Job Search

Video - Outdated Skills and Your Job Search