Checklist for Job Search - Figure out what's not working!

Checklist for Job Search - Figure out what's not working!

CHECKLIST!!! ✔📰Figure out what's not working...

It's so X%!!*&X frustrating, right? Applying and applying for jobs, and not getting any offers...

Every day feeling more and more discouraged...

Let's end that TODAY!

If you are applying for jobs, and not getting any interviews, these some of the reasons why:

✅Your resume needs work. It could be structure, content, outdated skills and dates, grammar, typos, not targeting your resume to the exact job posting, or listing tasks and not accomplishments...

✅Your cover letter needs improvement. Is your cover letter original? (Please don't start a cover letter with "I am excited to apply for the position of...) Does it show you did your homework and are knowledgeable about both the job and the company? Do you start your cover letter with a WOW? Is your cover letter error free?

✅Your email follow up time. You can have the best resume in the group, but if you aren't quick to respond to their email request for an interview, they will move on. Remember, they don't know how great you are yet.

✅You are applying to the wrong jobs. Are you applying for jobs that you are dramatically over or underqualified for? Make sure that the person looking at your application can see a clear connection between you and the position.

✅The job has been posted for a long time. Generally, jobs that have been posted recently have less applicants, increasing your chance of getting the interview.

If you are going on interviews, and not getting any offers, these some of the reasons why:

✅Your interview skills need work.

✅You are not marketing yourself and demonstrating that you are the best person for that exact job at that exact company.

✅You aren't demonstrating knowledge of the company.

✅You don't have relevant stories and examples.

✅Watch out for non verbal red flags. Body language, clothing, posture, grooming, eye contact.

✅You didn't express interest in the position and ask for the job.

Video -Staying Positive During Your Job Search

Video -Staying Positive During Your Job Search

Magic Wand

Magic Wand