Job Seekers List...

Job Seekers List...

👉✅Job Seekers List!
✔Customize and target your resume for every single job you apply for
👉Yes... it's more than just changing 5 key words, really target your resume to the position
💞You are must better off applying to 8 jobs a week and doing it really well, than 500 jobs a week, with little effort. Quality over quantity!! 😉

✔Include accomplishments - where you made a difference
Make sure your resume speaks of results and impact, rather than tasks
💞showcase what you have ACHIEVED and don't be afraid to use impactful words 💪

✔Write a WOW cover letter for every job you apply for
👉Work and education will look similar on many resumes, your cover letter is an opportunity to stand out, to show your passion, as well as your knowledge of the company.
💞Why are you totally awesome for this job - and please don't tell me that you are dedicated and hard working. That's expected. 😉

✔Fix up your LinkedIn profile
👉Employers are viewing it. Make sure it is a strong representation of you and your Brand. This is a project management project about YOU.
💞Everything from your photo and summary, to work and education, plus your content and posts. 🤩

✔Check your Social Media
👉85% of employers will make a decision regarding hiring a candidate based on something they saw online
💞Pop on over to your social media accounts and check out the posts you've forgotten about.

✔Apply for Jobs!
👉Skip the quick apply and take the time to target your resume and cover letter for every position
💞Also check to see if you have any connections at the company.

✔Research the companies and practice for the interviews.
👉Practice answering the questions out loud, even if it may seem awkward
💞Keep the job posting in mind when answering questions.

Your Job Search is NOT an Indication of your WORTH

Your Job Search is NOT an Indication of your WORTH

Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Kathleen's Story

Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Kathleen's Story