Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Kathleen's Story

Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Kathleen's Story

Join me as I chat with Kathleen about her incredible transformational journey from classroom teacher to her dream instructional design job! She is working 100% remotely, feels appreciated, valued, and respected AND it has transformed her entire life!!

Her happiness and energy is contagious! You don't want to miss hearing what it's like, as Kathleen speaks openly and honestly about teaching, the process of finding a new job, and what it's like on the other side.

 Added home / work balance benefit... Instead of being away from her young daughter all day, she has opportunities to take breaks and play with her, and eat lunch with her. Mommy - daughter time!!

Kathleen talks about how she brings the same work ethic she brought to her classroom to her new position, except now she is no longer in meetings from 8-3 and has time to get her work done. More than that, she LOVES the work, and is super excited to do her job EVERY DAY!

Listening to Kathleen's overwhelming excitement and joy about transitioning out of teacher will definitely provide you with motivation, drive, and a knowledge that YOU can do this!!

Stay Tuned for the next episode of the Transitioning Teacher -Women’s Empowerment Series premiering on August 31st.

 Imagine what it would feel like to love the work you do, who you do it with, and why you are doing it. It absolutely is possible to have everything. I’m here to help you. On your side, with the same goals as yours. To help you achieve success, at a job that lights you up and matches your wants and needs.

Let’s chat about YOU. Free 45 minute discovery call about how I can help you land your dream job. Here is the direct link to my personal calendar. Excited to chat with you!

Job Seekers List...

Job Seekers List...

Before you apply to the job... do this...

Before you apply to the job... do this...