Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Heather's Story

Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Heather's Story

Heather talks about how we made the job search FUN and EASY!!! (Yup😉, those are her exact words!!) She talks about how it's not just a game of chance, there really is a way.

"💓💫OVER THE MOON 🌚 - 🙌That's what Heather said!!!

🔥 It wasn't just getting 1 interview, it was 5!!
👏It wasn't just 1 job offer it was MULTIPLE OFFERS!

That was a GREAT MOMENT!!! 🤩 And I LOVED SO MUCH 💓that you didn't make me stick to 1 thing!!! 

✅I had a Customer Success position
✅An Instructional Design position in Technology
✅A Curriculum Writing position in Education.
✅I got called for multiple interviews in ➡️ALL ➡️OF ➡️THESE because of the work we did TOGETHER! 🥰"

🎲Heather talks about how it's not just a game of chance, there really is a way.

✨Hear which job Heather chose and how she is THRIVING in her new role!!!

She gets to do the things she loves to do!! ➡️All day ➡️every day!!!

She says it's so great to see a LADDER of success in her new position and make plans to get there. As a teacher, it I want to teach a different grade, or go to a different school, or go back to school for a long time to be an administrator.

🤩Heather's story, in her own words, will restore your optimism, and leave you feeling hopeful, positive, and inspired.

Don't you love being inspired by amazing people? Heather is one of those amazing individuals.

😉Listen to her talk about the OVERWHELMING problem that we ALL wish we had. This 14-minute chat is a MUST-WATCH!!

Click here or on the video above.

You deserve a feel good pick me up! ➡️THIS➡️ IS ➡️IT!!! 🙌

Stay Tuned for the next episode of the Women’s Empowerment Series premiering on December 28th.

🥰If Heather's story touched something inside of you, and you want help to make your career dreams come true, let's chat. Free 45-minute discovery call about how I can help you land your dream job.

Click here to schedule now!

❤ Cindy

*Video - 5 Interview Mistakes that Prevent You from Getting an Offer

*Video - 5 Interview Mistakes that Prevent You from Getting an Offer

A Message of Thanks

A Message of Thanks