Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Keesa's Story

Transitioning Teacher - Women's Empowerment Series: Keesa's Story

💓Keesa's smile tells it ALL.

😃She is positively glowing with HAPPINESS!

Keesa said that she absolutely LOVES her team and what she does, and KNOWS that she is making an IMPACT, which is EXACTLY what she was looking for!! 🤩

💪 She describes her new position as a DREAM COME TRUE, working as a training specialist that helps people to help others 🥰!

Keesa describes in great detail, the 4 soft skills that teachers have that are VERY IMPRESSIVE to people in the corporate world (watch to hear her describe them 😉)

🤝Keesa talks about how we worked together as STRATEGIC PARTNERS.

💪How I helped her to AFFIRM her choices.

👏And how my ENCOURAGEMENT combined with DIRECTNESS (this is not working, do THIS) landed her an AMAZING POSITION that she is so glad to have!

🧘🏾Plus amazing health and retirement benefits💰

📆Flexible schedule


🥰The camaraderie and new relationships are friendships are a HUGE part of why Keesa is so happy in her new position.

➡️Keesa said that as an educator, we don't always understand what it can feel like to do something different.

✅Keesa's story, in her own words, her incredible laughter, and total honesty, will restore your optimism, and leave you feeling hopeful, positive, and inspired. 🤩

✅Don't you love powerful stories of success that you can relate to?

✅ Keesa's story will increase your OWN confidence and fill you with INSPIRATION and DIRECTION! 🙌

This 14-minute chat is a MUST WATCH!!

You deserve a feel-good pick me up!

➡️THIS➡️ IS ➡️IT!!! 🙌 Click here to watch the video!

👂Keep your ear out for the next episode of the Women’s Empowerment Series premiering on February 22nd.

🥰If Keesa's story touched something inside of you, and you want a STRATEGIC PARTNER to help to make your career dreams come true, let's chat.

Free 45-minute discovery call about how I can help you land your dream job.

Here is the direct link to my personal calendar.

💓Excited to chat with you! 


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