Targeting Your Resume Checklist

Targeting Your Resume Checklist

😉You've heard it 1,000 times...

➡️Target your resume to match the job posting.
➡️But what does that really mean?

🤷‍♀️Here's your answer!!! 🥰

👩‍💻Read the job posting. The entire description. Even the long part at the beginning about the company.

➡️Now read it again.
➡️And then close your eyes. 👀
➡️Don't rush it. This part will make a huge difference! 🙌

🤔💭Picture what this role entails.

➡️See yourself in this position.
➡️What are you doing?
➡️What hard skills and soft skills are you using?
➡️Is it clear? If not, read the job posting again.

🤩Only when you are very clear about the position should you start to work on updating and targeting your resume.

➡️Instead of mindlessly updating your resume for the 87th time this week, update it with a specific job posting in front of you.
➡️Remember the picture in your head. Now show them that you are that person.
➡️Select the appropriate accomplishments and experiences.
➡️Show where you added value, made a difference.
➡️Use accomplishments statements instead of task lists, and quantify with numbers.
➡️Phrase it in a way that makes sense for this position in this field.
➡️Delete irrelevant information and avoid useless abbreviations and acronyms.
➡️Prioritize the bullet points.

🎯That's what it means to target your resume.

🥰Looking for some help with that process. I'm glad you asked. That's exactly what I do. Hand holding, kicking you in the butt 1:1 career coaching program. There's no reason for you to continue to struggle alone.

Let's chat! Click here to schedule now!

My clients get results!! 💗


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It's funny, everyone says they are great at this

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