LinkedIn Photo Cheat Sheet

LinkedIn Photo Cheat Sheet

📷🤳LinkedIn Photos MATTER!!!

🙈I see so many people writing about how they keep changing their resumes, sending out applications, and not getting any results, yet paying no attention to their LinkedIn photo, which employers are LOOKING AT!!!

😍Think about your LinkedIn Profile as a Project that you are MANAGING and of course, a reflection of your PERSONAL BRANDING! Please make the effort to do a GREAT JOB!🙌😊

LinkedIn Photo Dos and Don'ts:

✅Just you. Unlike other social media, your LinkedIn profile photo should not have anyone else in the photo.

❌Please, no partners, children, families, pets. This is all about you.🤩

✅The photo should have been about you to begin with. Not a photo you found in your iPhone and cropped everyone else out of.

❌Please don't crop yourself out of a larger photo, where we can see parts of the other person (extra arms 😜) Take the effort to take another photo.

✅Be mindful of the background. Use a clean wall, a muted outdoor background, or you sitting at a desk. Have good lighting.

❌OMG- I can't tell you how many LinkedIn profile photos I have seen in bathrooms (really) , restaurants, cluttered rooms, at a party, you get the idea.

❌Selfies in the car are NOT great LinkedIn profile photos.
This one deserves repeating.
Selfies in the car are NOT great LinkedIn profile photos. Ever!!

✔️Please, stage the shot. Make it look good. Clean the area.

✅Have someone take the photo for you. It doesn't need to be professional. Smartphones take fantastic photos. Just make it intentional. Not an afterthought.

✅Dress professionally. We always make a better impression when dressed professionally. I highly recommend wearing a blazer.🙌

✅This is the marketing presentation about YOU! Make it your best!

✔️SMILE. Now go take a great photo! 😊

❤ Cindy

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