How to Go from Classroom Teacher to Sales

How to Go from Classroom Teacher to Sales

😉"If I can get up every day and teach 5th graders math and get them excited about it, then I think I can get almost anybody excited about anything!" Jordan said about her successful transition from Elementary School Classroom Teacher to Sales.

💭Imagine, making a pivot in your career, and leaving a position that "let's be honest, was 10 hours a day in the classroom" to a new role offering...

🎯Fully remote schedule
🎯Flexible hours
🎯Allowing me to be more present for my family
🎯Granting me the time, energy, and ability to help out more
🎯The time to do more things for myself

🟰Makes a HUGE difference in the quality of my life🙌
💖I am very appreciative of the career change.

🤩Jordan shares how selling doesn't even feel like selling, it feels like teaching and helping others. She feels strongly that when you believe in the product, you don't have to convince anyone. All you need to do is show the value, and it really sells itself.

That is certainly true for Jordan, who, even though she doesn't like to brag about herself, is 200% over her quota! 🙌

✅Learn how Jordan got over her own imposter syndrome, and got past the
✖️I'm just a teacher
✖️All I know how to do is teach
✖️I can't do this TOO...

✅That was the furthest thing from the truth!! 💪🙌🤩

💖Want to watch how powerful it is to get over your imposter syndrome and nail (not just a new job) but a new LIFE. Check out Jordan's story of life outside of the classroom.

📺 Watch here or click on the image above!

☕Grab your favorite coffee or tea (and maybe a cookie🍪) and get set to watch a beautiful inspiring story. This is one you definitely don't want to miss!

❤ Cindy 

00:00 From elementary school teacher to sales
00:50 Why sales is exciting
02:00 Similarities between teaching and sales
02:35 How much better life is outside of the classroom
03:29 Why sales feels like helping and teaching
04:30 How to brag about yourself and recognize transferable skills
05:08 The journey
07:39 How to get over imposter syndrome
10:11 Advice for others

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