Why You Should Practice Interviewing

Why You Should Practice Interviewing

🙈Don't make the mistake of waiting until you have an interview scheduled to start practicing!

👉Here is EXACTLY why you need to practice interviewing (out loud) today!

➡️Practicing for interviews boosts your confidence.

➡️It helps you clearly define your unique selling point, so when you are speaking with people, whether you are on an "official interview" or not, you are clear about what YOU can offer to their company.
💡Remember, it's never "just" a conversation. People make this mistake all the time.

➡️It gives additional content for your resume because it reminds you of your accomplishments (Yup, this happens all the time when I mock interviews with my clients. That's why we mock interview often.)

➡️It makes you believe in yourself and positively portray that to others in every facet of your search.✨

➡️It leaves you less stressed when the interview is scheduled.

➡️It means that you will be prepared when they happen, as you often don't get a lot of notice.

➡️In fact, recruiters will often just call you, without sending an email 1st.

😍True story. One of my clients started carrying the job postings around with her in her bag after applying, because no sooner did she hit ENTER, that companies were calling her directly... MULTIPLE TIMES!!

❤ Cindy

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