Marketing Yourself for a New Job

Marketing Yourself for a New Job

🥰You're feeling a sense of pride and relief. You just completed a job related skill or project that you were putting off. Maybe it is completing your portfolio, or gaining a certification, or learning a new software.🙌💪

🤩You are excited and want to share it with the LinkedIn community, to get 👍, 🎉, and hopefully attract the attention of the Hiring Managers and Rectuiters.

➡️Except instead of announcing how excited you are to share...
➡️Your write, "I finally completed" or "I finally earned"
➡️Implying that you procrastinated or that it took you an extraordinary amount of time to complete.
😲Which is the exact opposite impression you want to showcase (your ability to take initiative and quickly master new skills).

➡️And... if there were a plethora of obstacles that you ovecame to successfully complete this achievement, then showcase that, and how totally awesome you were to achieve this extraordinary accomplishment, in spite of all the odds.
➡️But please don't diminish your achievement with the word "FINALLY".

#transitioningteachers #layoffs #branding #jobsearchtips

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