From the Audience I Saw Her Fears

From the Audience I Saw Her Fears

I sat in the audience, wearing my chic mom outfit of boot cut jeans, tan boots and a funky blazer, dumbfounded.

From the stage, looking at a splotch of chewing gum on the floor, the candidate for Student Council President said, "I know I'm not the smartest. I know my ideas aren't that great. If you don't want to vote for me, that's okay. I understand." 

Please, someone come in quickly to help her with her confidence and self esteem. There's more than just this election at stake. 

This was her campaign speech. Only it wasn't. 

It was her feelings of inadequacies on display. It was her lack of confidence. 

All the other candidates were talking about what they could do. (Okay, maybe the Principal would not allow them to offer more recess, less homework and better school lunches, but anyway.)

Have you ever done this?

Put yourself down, when someone offers you a compliment. Have you ever said, "this old thing, I've had this dress for years" when someone admires your outfit. 

Did you ever minimize both your own generous efforts and the appreciation of the receiver by uttering "no problem" when someone genuinely thanks you, instead of saying "you're welcome" or  "my pleasure". 

And the ultimate, have you ever told other people that you weren't qualified because you are just a mom. How many time have you felt less than because you only raised your family. 

Did you ever go on an interview and virtual beg them to give you the job. Because you weren't  confident about the value, worth and benefit that YOU will be providing to THEM.

Let's fix that. Today. Not with shaking pom poms and screaming your name. That's not confidence. Confidence is seeing it and feeling it inside of you. Self Esteem. Self Confidence. 

 As women, we tend to downplay our strengths. We minimize the things we are good at, while swooning over the skills other people have that we lack. 

Let me give you an example. Suppose you are incredibly organized. Can easily juggle multiple tasks, prioritize, and deliver 100% of the time. You probably take those skills for granted

This may be a shocker to you, if you are one of those highly organized people (I am!) but many people can't do that! They miss deadlines, focus on small details and overlook the big picture, easily get distracted, and often feel overwhelmed. So if you think everyone has this phenomenal talent, you are undermining yourself.

And maybe you aren't artistically creative. (Again me.) We look at others who have this ability, and think, omg, they are truly awesome! So here you are, admiring other people's talents, and diminishing yours.

Everyone has unique talents. Let's concentrate on yours. 

It is absolutely, 100% normal to be fearful about returning to the workforce with a gap on your resume, or after you've been fired, or even if you are looking for a new job.

  • Every single person I work with has fears.

  • Because new things are scary.

  • Because having to prove yourself is scary.

  • Because the longer you are out of work, the more your confidence fades.

But you absolutely CAN do this and I am here to help you build up your confidence.

  • Not by shaking pom poms, but by helping you to see the value in everything you have done.

  • By showing you the accomplishments that you didn't even realize you made in all of your work and volunteer experience.

  • By helping you to create (many) amazing targeted resumes and cover letters.

  • By mock interview practicing with you over and over again, until you can confidently tell your relevant stories and show the employer why you are the best fit for the job.

It is your job to highlight why you are awesome - Your strengths, accomplishments, and uniqueness. And make it relevant to the job.
➡️ I will help you do that. 

I'm always surprised at how often I see a cover letter talking about everything the applicant can't do. Right there in the cover letter. Why would someone do that?

Or people that go on interviews and talk about the skills they lack. There IS a better way of marketing yourself, EVEN if you don't have all the skills they are asking for. 

In fact, employers only expect you to have about 70% of the skills on their job posting. Think about it, if you ALREADY can do 100% of the tasks, with one hand tied behind your back, and one eye closed, there is nowhere for you to grow.

Are you thinking, "Cindy, I understand what you're saying, but I really am lacking in confidence and not sure that I can do the job." Ok. I got you. That's what I do. Every. Single. Day. Empower women, just like you, remind them of their worth, and help them land their dream jobs. 

Funny story, I remember what Lorraine said to me after her interview, when they moved her to the next round, "I can't believe they are interested in me. Was I the only one who applied." And I told her to stop putting herself down and together, we talked about all her accomplishments and qualities that made her a great fit for this position.

Fast forward two weeks... And I received this message:

"When once I thought I would never even get an interview, only 2 months after working with Cindy I not only got a job interview but I also got the job that was a perfect fit for me!" - Loraine S

As a gift to yourself for the new year, let's make it your personal best year. Let me help you get past your doubts and insecurities, find the jobs that meet your current why, and step by step, show you exactly how to get there. From hand holding to kicking you in the butt.. private 1:1 sessions with me, exclusive modules, reviews, mock interviewing, texting support, and a whole lot more! 

"Cindy is one of those rare people who just strolls in so non-chalantly, and your life is changed forever- and for the better." - Katie M

Let's talk about you, because you deserve it. Free 45 minute discovery call to see how I can help you create your best future in 2022. Here's my direct calendar link.

Video- Women’s Empowerment Series – Katie

Video- Women’s Empowerment Series – Katie

A little inspiration...

A little inspiration...