Do you allow others to put you in the corner?

Do you allow others to put you in the corner?

"Nobody puts baby in the corner" one of the most iconic movie lines of all times.
But how often do you allow others to put you in the corner?

Do you allow others to tell you that you can't be something that you want to be?
Do you allow your friends and family to discourage you?

Are the people in your inner circle telling you that nobody will hire you because you are "only" a mother and there are so many others who are more qualified that you?

Always remember that YOU are in control of what you allow people to say to you. Don't allow anyone (even if it is your mom, sister, spouse, friend) to put you in the corner. People that love you should not make you feel badly about yourself. Ever. 

We can give them the benefit of the doubt AND protect YOUR emotions and self esteem. Let's assume that they just don't realize that there DEFINITLEY is a demand for stay at home moms in the workplace. Which in fact, there is. Gaps are incredibly common place, as people take time off to raise a family, care for an aging parent, take care of health issues, and even face lay offs. 

Put up a border to protect yourself. Here's your wording. "I know you mean well, but we aren't going to talk about my job search. We can talk about (insert your favorite safe subjects: cooking, books, movies, etc)"

Whether you realize it or not, as a grown and sexy woman, you have skills that people in their 20s just haven't developed yet. They don't have as much experience handling pressure, time management, multiple priorities, interpersonal relationships.

The list is endless. And don't even get me started on communication. We moms grew up in an era when we talked to people, rather than texted them.

It's always a matter of connecting the dots for the employers to show them that you are the best candidate for the position. And that's what I help you do.

So if you are struggling, just know, that I am your resource. It is honestly and truly upsetting for me to see moms struggle with fears and insecurities that no one will ever hire them. 

Or face rejection after rejection. I remember one mom client who told me, "I can probably do this job better than anyone else, I just don't know how to get the job." Good news for her, I do.

And she is back at a perfect position for her. Life isn't what she expected it to be- single mom, not by choice. At least the financial security is something I can help her achieve. 

Every single day, I work 1:1 with moms, with gaps on their resumes and help them land amazing job. Yes. For real. We are not talking cashier jobs at TJ Maxx. There's nothing wrong with that, but you don't need me to get those jobs. 

I help women to get a wide variety of positions, in the same field they were in before, or pivot to a completely different position. More than that, I help you to find amazing options and opportunities!

 And if we're talking about salaries, because that is important, my clients earn everything $30,000 to $200,000! Part time jobs, full times jobs, remote, hybrid and in person. 

 Absolutely! In jobs that they WANT! Finding the right job is so important. Especially if you are returning to the workforce. We want different things at different stages of our lives, and I will help you make it happen!

Even if you have been to other resume writers and not been successful. Resume writers have you fill out a questionnaire and sometimes have one 30 minute conversation with you. Then 5-7 days later, you get your generic resume. And you pay a lot of money for this impersonal experience. 

I LISTEN to you. I help you find your path and direction. Then I work with you, every step of the way, educating, supporting, and showing you EXACTLY what you need to do. No time is wasted. It's about getting results. 

I KNOW every one of my clients and I PROMISE you, when we work together, I will help you to remember things you didn't even remember or consider putting on your resume. Happens every single time. In fact, it's pretty comical how many times my clients "argue" with me that another career coach told them to do their resume differently. 

My answer is always the same. "Yes, well that hasn't worked, so let's try it my way." and they get results. 
This week, another client with a resume gap just landed the EXACT job she wanted and negotiated a HIGHER salary. She told her friends, " I have a career coach, and she's tough. She makes you do the work, and you get the results. This never would have happened without Cindy. She pushed me out of my comfort zone." Alicia G

I never put you in the corner. Make sure no one in your inner circle does. You are strong. You are capable. You definitely have talents and skills that an employer NEEDS. In fact, that's what Alicia said. "They NEED me." Less than 2 months of working together, and her life is changed. It's not just a job. Her husband is so proud of her. Life changing experience!

Your voice is important, it deserves to be heard. You talk, I'll listen. Free 45 minute Discovery Call to see how YOU can get the results you deserve. Because I'm on YOUR side. Here's the link to my calendar.

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Un-Caped Heros Podcast Guest

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