A week ago she was scared to apply. Today she is on the interview.

A week ago she was scared to apply. Today she is on the interview.

A week ago she was scared to apply for the DIRECTOR position because of her resume GAP. TODAY she is on the interview!

Here is last week's actual texting conversation with a client.

Client-Hi Cindy. I've decided not to apply for the job.

ME-I think you are allowing yourself to be intimidated by the "XX" when the job probably involves much less XX and much more management

Client-Looking at their website, everyone that works there has a XX background

Me- You taught XX!! You are allowing your fears to get the best of you!! That fear will prevent you from moving forward.

Client - Correct

SAME DAY!! Minutes after she applied.

Client-Cindy, I have an interview tomorrow!

Me- Congratulations! Can I please say I told you so

Client- Yes you may

Please stop thinking it's impossible because:

You've been applying to 100s of jobs and nobody will look at your resume.
I'll show you exactly how to get noticed. My clients' resumes get past the ATS.

You are going on multiple interviews, but not getting any offers.
Mock interview practice with me and you will know exactly what to say to every question on the interview.

You don't know where to start, can't believe anyone would hire you and have no idea how to put together a mish mash of jobs and volunteer work on your resume.
You don't need to know how. I do. I'll help you find your passion, identify perfect jobs, and create targeted resumes and cover letters for these jobs.

You are just plain scared to start.
Action is the antidote to anxiety. I'll get you out of your rut and show you the most effective way to get a job. Even with a resume GAP.

(Reread above texting conversation!) She was just like YOU. Watched my free master class, in my Facebook group, even had a free resume hot seat. But needed more support. THAT'S WHY I'M HERE.

The status quo leaves us in the same place. If you want more, and it hasn't happened yet, let's chat about making it happen.

Ladies, I know you are interested in getting back to the workforce; that's why you registered and watched my free Master Class or signed up for my emails.

(if you missed the class, here's the link https://webinar.cindylish.com/s/6wtJmy )

So, if you haven't found a job yet, let's have that conversation. No pressures or obligations. You know that's not my style. Just a chat. About you.❤️

You will tell me what your goals are. What is working or not working. I will tell you how I can help you achieve those goals. Easy peasy. 💪

Here's the direct link to my personal calendar. I am here for you.❤️💪

Video- How to Get a Job You are Overqualified for

Video- How to Get a Job You are Overqualified for

A little inspiration...

A little inspiration...