Please don't do THIS to recruiters

Please don't do THIS to recruiters

There's a lot of negative talk about how recruiters treat applicants. Most of it true. 😟

But for a moment, let's think about the job search from their side. I could go on about the difficulties and challenges of hiring the right person. The added burdens and demands the pandemic has caused.

But I'm not going to go there. 

I'm bringing it down to the basics of their job.

Recruiters receive a tremendous volume of resumes, daily.  We're talking 100s. 

Imagine keeping track of them. Sorting them. Selecting which ones to interview. Close your eyes and just vision that for a moment. 

Now suppose all the resume files were named, "New Resume", "Updated Resume", "My Resume 2022" or even worse, "My Resume 2013" 🤣

That makes their job so much harder. Every time this happens, they need to:

➡️Rename the resume they wanted to save. Instead of merely downloading, they have to go through the process of doing a save as and adding your name.

This takes take and effort that should not need to be part of the process.

➡️Find your resume again, because they really liked you, but you didn't put your name in the file. You always want to make the job easier for the person on the other side.

Especially if they have something you want (the job 😉)
PLUS... there's another really IMPORTANT reason.

Every part of the application process displays the quality of YOUR work.

So, while it's easy to WRITE that you are organized and pay attention to detail, if you send your resume without your name, you are clearly displaying the opposite message.

Seriously. Look at all the other candidates that did this simple step, better than you.

Notice how something so innocent as how you save your resume, can get you eliminated. In your computer, you are the only one saving resumes, so "my resume" is okay.

When sending it to someone else, that is not efficient.

I'm not here to change the system. But, I know all the rules of the game and guide you every step of the way so you win. I'm here to help you change your LIFE.

Let me put you on the fast track to eliminating the struggles, and landing your dream job.

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