

It's not finding the time, it's making the time. If something is important to you, you make it happen. If not, everything else takes priority, and somehow the day passes and you wind up feeling discouraged with yourself, because you meant to work on your resume today, and didn't find the time.

Tomorrow the same thing happens. You go to bed disappointed with yourself, because you are feeling unproductive.

Here's the thing, when something is challenging, whether that be mentally or emotionally, we push it off and subconsciously put obstacles in our way.

Schedule your job search time into your day, just as you would a doctor's appointment. Unless the house is on fire, or someone needs to go to the emergency room, keep the commitment to yourself. Whether that means getting up an hour before the rest of the family, or during the day, or after the children go to bed, find a time that works for you to be your most productive self, and write it in your datebook, schedule it into your google calendar, and see how proud you can be of yourself for making it happen.

Decision Making...

Decision Making...

You got this...

You got this...