Is it the book on the train? — Cindy Lish

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Is it the book on the train?

Is it the book on the train?

So you've been my most respected person, a Stay at Home Mom for a whole bunch of years (I was a SAHM for 15 years), right? ✅

It truly has been a privilege to be able to provide the love, time and enrichment for your children, right ✅

But the kids are getting older, and while they ALWAYS need you (trust me on that one.... and my kids are 22 and 18 😉) you are not needed in the same way as when they were small, right, ✅

In fact, I know you're busy, but, if you were TRULY HONEST with yourself, being at home every day gets boring and isolating and you need to invent things to keep yourself occupied, right ✅

You do love volunteering (and by the way, I am a HUGE fan of volunteering and my family and I are active volunteers for a number of charities.... AND that's great at filling the gap on your resume as well) but working this hard and not getting paid is sometimes frustrating, right ✅

You really MISS going to WORK. (Okay, not every part of every day, but let's face it, nobody loves every part of every day. How much do you truly enjoy doing laundry?) I mean, you were REALLY GOOD at your job! right, ✅

And it would be nice to get a paycheck again! right ✅

And challenge your brain! And have meaningful things to talk about, right ✅

And be a great role model for your children! According to Harvard Business School, when moms work outside the home, their daughters are more likely to be employed themselves, hold supervisory roles, and make more money than peers whose mothers did not have careers. WOW, right ✅

So NOW let's explore your WHY. Take the time, no, SCHEDULE the time (because if not, it won't happen, let's be honest) to write a list of WHY you want to go back to work. Write down every reason, from the big to the really small or silly (I want to have the time to quietly read my book on the train in the morning).

Make this small commitment to YOURSELF to explore your WHY!

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