Thanksgiving Vision - The Vision, the reality... how to make it better

Thanksgiving Vision - The Vision, the reality... how to make it better

Everyone will get along. The drive will be short. No traffic. No fighting in the car. All the relatives will be warm and pleasant. No criticism. No arguing. No snide remarks.
How many times do you go into a holiday with this Pollyana type view, only to be wildly disappointed that this year looks exactly like last year, and nothing like the above description.

Holidays CAN be beautiful, warm, filled with love and laughter, but for many, it is filled with tension, long car rides, sharing houses and bathrooms with way too many people and gaining 10 pounds.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that your holidays are something that you look forward to, that you are able to create meaningful memories for you, your children, and your loved ones.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

Remember that nothing lasts forever. Ever. In life and during the holidays. Bad times are temporary. So are good ones.

What does that mean for you? It means, don't sweat the small stuff. If the holiday isn't fun, remember in a few hours (or days) it will be over.

By the same token, SAVOR all the good times. Be PRESENT. Moments are fleeting. Don't distract yourself from the fun because of things you feel you NEED to do.

Having a great time with your family and friends... enjoy every second of it. Stay connected. You can wash the kitchen floor tomorrow, after everyone leaves. But now, don't miss out on the fun. Think about it, will you be happier recalling the time when you were washing the floor, and everyone else was playing games or remembering how much fun it was to be a part of the group. Everyone will go home. The moment will be over. But your kitchen floor will still be there.
If you are having fun, put off anything that can wait until another time. (Like the kitchen floor.)

Nobody can get under your nerves if you don't let them. Refuse to engage. Don't allow other people to talk to you about subjects that are a hot topic (think religion, politics, criticism about your job search.) Change the subject. Go help the hostess. Play a game or do a craft with the children.

Disengage your need to be a part of everything going on, and concentrate on your mindset and happiness for that exact moment.

Make new traditions. Just because you've ALWAYS done it this way, doesn't mean that you ALWAYS have to do it this way. When something doesn't serve you anymore, if it isn't making you happy, find something new to take its place.

Volunteer. There is nothing more rewarding and humbling that giving back. I have volunteered at food donation events before the holidays, spending time outside in sub zero temperatures, encouraging others to donate food and money to help families in need. My family and I have worked in food pantries, cooking and feeding others on the holidays, before coming home to have our Thanksgiving dinner.

Give up on perfection. You can't do everything. Decide on what is most important, and everything else is just gravy. (I know, sorry for the pun. I couldn't resist!)

You know how I always talk about the WHY, well it's important here too. Remember the WHY about the holidays, and then decide if your actions match the why. If not, make some changes.

Need help with the co-parenting side of the holiday? Watch my interview with Parenting expert Jacqueline Green here

I wish that you find peace and happiness on Thanksgiving.💕I am thankful for YOU and that you allow me to be a part of your journey. 🥰
I am thankful for the lovely messages I receive from my clients on a daily basis, on how I have helped them achieve their goals! (Here's one from this morning... "I am reflecting on how much you've helped me, and how incredibly thankful I am for you that you've chosen to to this work to help people like me overcome their fears so they can do the work they are meant to do is this world. Thank you Cindy!")

So, if you are looking at yourself on Thanksgiving, and longing to be the person you once were, longing for the excitement, challenge, status, prestige, and money that came along with working, just know that I can help get you back there.

It's personal. It's 1:1. It's me, believing in you, and empowering you to believe in you. It's me, knowing exactly what works in today's job market, yes, of course with a gap. Yes, even if you are, ahem, in your 40s and 50s (because that's exactly who my clients are.)

So, enjoy Thanksgiving. I am cooking for 14. And going to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in person. (Check my Facebook and Instagram for photos on Thursday). And let's talk after the holidays. Let me give you something special, just about YOU to look forward to.

Here, schedule your free appointment, and we'll talk soon.
Super excited to chat with you.

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