From the mouths of babes...

From the mouths of babes...

"MY MOM HELPS OTHER MOMS GET JOBS." That's what I overheard my DAUGHTER proudly tell one of her friends when she was 11 years old and I had just returned to the workforce.

WOW! To have your child proud of YOU! Here I was, soooo worried about the impact returning to the workforce was going to have on my children, and it was PRIDE.

Look at what my mom does, and she still attends all my events. She still cooks dinner. We still eat together. My laundry is stil clean.

STAY AT HOME MOMS.... Being at home was the GREATEST decision I ever made.... and I was at home for 15 YEARS. But at some point, you, your children and your family will probably benefit from you returning to the workforce, in some capacity.

Harvard Business School researches found that when moms work outside the home, their daughters are more likely to be employed themselves, hold supevisory roles, and make more money that peers whose mother did not have careers.

We teach our children more from our ACTIONS than our WORDS. What lessons do you want to teach your children?

Connect the dots...

Connect the dots...

Is it the book on the train?

Is it the book on the train?