The Best Decision...

The Best Decision...

😊STAY AT HOME MOMS - Being a Stay at Home Mom was one of the best and most rewarding decisions I have ever made!

😮In fact, I stayed at home for 15 YEARS, BUT I always FEARED that my decision to do what was best for my family (and me) at the time, would mean that I would NEVER be able to rejoin the WORKFORCE.

😁MOMS, I am here to tell you that is ABSOLUTLY NOT TRUE. 7 years ago I returned to the workforce and have successfully EMPOWERED 500 WOMEN to obtain meaningful employment!

🤩I work with STAY AT HOME MOMS that are interested in returning to the workforce, that struggle with feeling invisible and help them to restore their value and confidently return to the work.

😃I empower Mothers with the confidence, tools and skills to be competitive in TODAY'S JOB MARKET, even if they feel like a DINOUSAR because they've been home for MORE THAN A DECADE.

😍Client Juana V. had VIRTUALLY GIVEN UP. She was home raising her family for 13 years and figured she would never get a job in the capacity she had before.

💲After working with me, she was offered a HIGHER POSITION than the one she interviewed for!

🤝I'm EMPATHETIC, no nonsense and non-judgemental and like to call my approach a combination between HOLDING YOUR HAND, and kicking you in the butt!

😉There are lots of career coaches out there, but very few of them truly UNDERSTAND the UNIQUE situation of the Stay at Home MOM!!

👡I was IN YOUR SHOES. I know what it feels like to think that NO ONE will ever hire someone with a huge GAP on the resume.

😮I KNOW how it feels to think that the rest of the world has moved on.

🏆I help people find their motivation, push throught their own obstacles, and successfully CONQUER every aspect of the job search!

An Unusual Deal Breaker

An Unusual Deal Breaker

Chose Your Words Carefully...

Chose Your Words Carefully...