Feeling Misunderstood...

Feeling Misunderstood...

I remember feeling MISUNDERSTOOD.

Here I was sacrificing my career to raise my family, yet why did some people act like I was sitting at home all day doing nothing.... watching TV and eating BON BONS.

When I was doing the MOST important job of all....

Mothers, you CAN have both!!

And when you are ready, I will absolutely show you how!

There is a time when most Stay at Home Moms want to rejoin the workforce, after all our children won't remain little forever.

They ALWAYS need us, just not the same way.

And most Moms want to regain the confidence, independence, and power they had when they were working.

But it can be so OVERWHELMING to get started, especially if you haven't worked in years and have no idea where to even BEGIN!

I was a full-time Stay at Home Mom for 15 wonderful years raising my children and it was the most important job in the world.

8 years ago, I returned to the workforce and have successfully empowered over 500 women with the confidence, tools and skills to find meaningful jobs.

How do you create a Resume that gets past the ATS Computer System?

How can you figure out your Skills?

How can you explain the GAP?

How can you get through the Interview?

Let me demystify the process for YOU!!

OMG - What would it feel like to know that you don't need to do this alone!

To have the support of an accomplished, results driven CAREER COACH who really gets you because she was ALSO a STAY AT HOME MOM teaching you how to get noticed in today's job market AND motivating and encouraging you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!

Aren't YOU worth it!

We want different things at different stages of our lives.

If this is your time to get back to work, and you're STUCK because you don't think you can, or are TERRIFIED to even start, this is YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!

Don't let another year pass you by. Think about where you would like to be by your next birthday.

Let’s talk. No judgments. I know exactly how you are feeling.

My Passion...

My Passion...

Thank you letter after a rejection...

Thank you letter after a rejection...