Thank you letter after a rejection...

Thank you letter after a rejection...

This just happened!

I always encourage my clients to write a short thank you letter to employers if they've interviewed for a high level position and the interview went really well, but they didn't get the job.

Yes, you heard me. After you get turned down, after the employer tells you, "we went with someone else", you thank the employer and wish them luck with the person they selected, and express your hope that your paths may cross in the future. (I know you may be angry and disappointed, but being the bigger person can pay off.)

YOU will absolutely stand out for doing this. And quite often, the person they selected doesn't work out, or a new opportunity opens up. If they really connected with you during the interview (maybe you were a really, really close second), this level of kindness and maturity generally leads the employer to reach out to you if they have the chance.

AND that just happened again this week for one of my clients! A new position opened up, and they contacted her to see if she would be interested.

Stay positive. The door is never completely closed!

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