Video Interviews...

Video Interviews...

Video Interview tips...

1- What you see of yourself and your background in the computer is exactly what the Interviewer sees. If you don't see your face, the other person doesn't see your face.

2- Clean up your background. Make sure there aren't dirty dishes, piles or papers, laundry or your unmade bed in the background. Ideally, find a clean, blank wall or a simple, neutral painting behind you. Stay away from showing off family photos in the screen.

3- Position yourself and tilt the screen so that your head and your torso are in the view. Allow the interviewer to see that you are wearing a blazer.

4- Make sure you have good posture and aren't moving around or fidgeting.

5- Be mindful of where your hands are. Unconsciously, many of us continually fix our hair and touch our faces.

6- Test the audio with someone in advance. Also practice logging in to make sure there are no surprises or program updates that need to happen at the moment of the interview,

7- Ensure a strong WiFi and have your smartphone handy (and on airplane mode) just in case you have an emergency with your computer. Have the login information easily accessible for both your computer and laptop.

8- Take note of where the camera is on your computer. If you look directly at the camera, it will appear that you are looking directly at the other person. This takes a bit of practice to master.

9- It's okay to glance at yourself, but don't look directly at yourself during the interview.

10- Dress professionally, top to bottom. No blouse, blazer, shorts and flip flops. Employers have been know to ask people to stand up or get something to see if they are dressed professionally from the waist down.

Thank you letter after a rejection...

Thank you letter after a rejection...

The chocolate cake approach...

The chocolate cake approach...