The New Interview…

The New Interview…

Interviews are VIRTUAL now, and YES there are companies that are still HIRING. New jobs are posted daily in many fields.

Here are some VIDEO interview tips:

1. Find a QUIET place in your home where you can participate in the interview without being disturbed. Turn off all televisions and phones and make sure children, pets, and spouses are out of the room.

2. Ensure that you have strong WiFI internet access.

3. Dress for the interview in professional attire (that means a blazer) and please, NO PAJAMA bottoms.

4. Clean up the BACKGROUND. A messy background or seeing your unmade bed will cost you the position. Aim for a clean wall or simple picture behind you.

5. Pay attention to LIGHTING. Strong sunlight behind you or your computer will make it difficult for the interviewer to see you.

6. Practice having a conversation with someone on a VIDEO meeting. Notice where your camera is so that you can look at the camera when speaking. There is an art to speaking to someone on a videocam and it takes a bit of getting used to.

7. Show you are truly intersted in the job. RESEACH the company and the position.

8. PRACTICE answering behaviorally based interview questions.

9. Know you STORIES. Have at least 5 stories "in your back pocket" targeted to the position you are interviewing for.

10. ASK for the position.

Action is a choice.

Action is a choice.

Build a blanket tent in the living room...

Build a blanket tent in the living room...