Action is a choice.

Action is a choice.

ACTION is a choice.

NON-ACTION is a choice.

In this time of uncertainty,

CHOOSE to do the things that keep you, your family, and your community safe.

CHOOSE to limit the amount of news you allow in your daily existence.

CHOOSE to do the things that keep you virtually and emotionally connected to others.

CHOOSE to fill your day with activities that keep your mind occupied.

CHOOSE to exercise your body for optimum physical as well as mental health.

CHOOSE to nourish yourself with healthy foods to boost your immuni

CHOOSE to enjoy the closeness of everyone working, schooling and eating at home.

CHOOSE to use this time to do the things you wanted to do, but never had the time.

CHOOSE to be thankful and appreciative of what you have.

This too shall pass. Stay strong. Recall the most difficult times of your life, and summon that strength and energy now.

You CAN do this. You are a WARRIOR and you are not alone.

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...

The New Interview…

The New Interview…