Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW - Prepare in advance.

You wouldn't allow your child to take an exam without studying. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel, and the better you will score during the interview process.

1- Research the company. Show that you are truly interested in the position and that you have done your homework.
2- Thoroughly go over every single item on the entire job description and be able to talk, in full detail, about your relevant experience and accomplishments. Have stories, always with a positive outcome.
3- Know your resume and be comfortable talking about all the listed experience.
4- If there is an employment gap, be prepared to positively address.
5- Practice answering interview questions and your elevator pitch out loud.
6- Come up with smart questions to ask the interviewer (not information that is readily available with a google search).
7- Interviews are currently remote. Ensure that you have reliable WiFi, and a clean, clutter free place to conduct the interview, without any disruptions.
8- Even though the interview is remote, please remember to dress professionally.

Speak to the job

Speak to the job

Action is a choice.

Action is a choice.