Interview Check-Off List

Interview Check-Off List

🂡 Here's what you need to do to ACE the interview and land the job!!

✅🔍︎Research the company.
➡️Show that you are truly interested in the position and that you have done your homework.
➡️Know who their customers are, what their mission is, who their competitors are, what their future plans are, and if they are in the news.

✅📄Thoroughly go over every single item on the entire job description.
➡️Be able to confidently talk, in full detail, about your relevant experience and accomplishments, using stories and examples.

✅👩‍🎓Know your resume and be comfortable talking about all the listed experience.
➡️Highlight the parts that are relevant to this job.

✅🤷‍♂If you are making a career change, be prepared to positively discuss why
➡️Never speak negatively about your previous employer or career

✅🗣️Practice answering interview questions and your elevator pitch out loud.
➡️It is "easy" to write out answers, but you want to be able to speak confidently, succinctly, and fluidly, without tripping over your words

✅❓Come up with smart questions to ask the interviewer.
➡️Not information that is readily available with a google search

✅🤫For a remote interview, ensure that you have reliable WiFi and a clean, quiet, clutter-free place to conduct the interview without any disruptions.

✅👔Look the part! Dress professionally and wear a blazer for in-person and remote interviews.

🙋‍♀️Want more help, my clients are super well prepared and ACE their interviews!! Let's have a free discovery call to talk about how I can help you achieve your goals.

Here's my direct calendar link. Let's help you pass those interviews!


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