Speak to the job

Speak to the job

“This was great! I went to a resume review session with one of the major job boards and got none of what you told me. I needed someone to go through my resume, section by section, and show me what to do.” - Y Morgan

Getting a job is not a reflection of how great you are at the job. It's a matter of understanding the job market and how to properly market yourself. You can be the best candidate, and still not get the job.

One resume is not going to get you the job. There is only one purpose of your resume, and that is to get into the YES! pile... to get called in for an interview. That's why it's tremendously important to highlight your accomplishments rather than merely your tasks and customize your resume for every single job you apply for.

Resumes are reviewed by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before they are seen by a Human Eye, and 75% of resumes don't pass that screening. That's a tremendous number!

After that, Hiring Managers only look at your resume for approximately 6 seconds before deciding if they will call you in for an interview or not. Your resume must be outstanding and must speak to the job.

So many of my clients tell me that they are not putting their best information into a resume, because they are saving it for the interview. Here's the key... If you don't impress potential employers with your resume, you'll never get the opportunity to wow them at the interview.

If you are sending out hundreds of resumes, and not getting results, you are fooling yourself into the fact that you are working very hard at your job search. Quantity is not a substitute for quality. In fact, I recently worked with a client that had sent out over 2,000 resumes over a period of 16 months before working with me. In only 5 weeks, I helped them to get a job in their field. Always make sure that your resume and cover letter are targeted to the both the company and the position.

The chocolate cake approach...

The chocolate cake approach...

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...

Want to ACE the INTERVIEW...