Build a blanket tent in the living room...

Build a blanket tent in the living room...

Build a blanket tent in the living room and home school there! Who said that learning can only happen at a table…

Add lightness to every day, especially during trying times. YOU will feel better, your CHILDREN will feel better, your FAMILY will feel better.

There’s a lot of unknown right now and plenty of talk of “mindset” but you can’t just “think happy” and have the bad thoughts go away.

BUT you can take ACTION.

You can CREATE A SCHEDULE. Set an alarm, and then get up. Please remember to take care of your personal hygiene. People are posting how many days they have gone without showering. (Really? Is this something to brag about?) Value YOURSELF. You will FEEL better… and the odor will be less offensive to those around you….

Make a PLAN every day. You can CHOOSE to learn something new, work on a project you haven’t had time to do, clean a closet, etc. and experience SATISFACTION and PRIDE. Or you can CHOOSE to spend the entire day worrying.

Which way makes you feel better? And remember, our CHILDREN are taking cues and learning from US about how to handle DIFFICULTIES.

Put on music and DANCE with your children. DANCE with your spouse.


BAKE sugar cookies and decorate them! Don’t have any cookie cutters in the house, use glasses – press fork tines into the cookies, get CREATIVE. No sprinkles – how about chocolate chips (or cut up a chocolate bar), raisins, nuts, candies.

Make homemade SOFT PRETZELS. They are fun to twist.

Craft homemade SLIME.

Want the best MATH LESSON – double, triple and halve recipes – FRACTIONS IN ACTION! Then cook or bake them. Convert volumes – What is half of a ¼ of a cup? Answer = 2 Tablespoons.

Make INSTRUMENTS out of your recyclables then have a parade in your house.

Read the same BOOK as your children. Discuss.

Play games – Monopoly, Yahtzee, Rummy Tile – have your kids do the math – NO CALCULATORS.

Build a RUBE GOLDBERG machine.


PLANT seeds, or grow lima beans, sprouted potatoes, avocado pits.

Remember when you had CONVERSATIONS about other things…. Books, recipes, music, sports, science, movies, clothes, health and beauty….

Learn new SKILLS. Afraid of TECHNOLOGY? Now is the time to brush up on computer programs you are lacking.

Update your RESUME, Cover Letter and LinkedIn.

Social Distance yourself from your REFRIGERATOR and snack cabinet. Try on your jeans every other day. Avoid making SHORT TERM decisions that you will regret in the long run.

You are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, and SMARTER than you think. – A.A. Rick Milne

The New Interview…

The New Interview…

Ships don't sink because of the water around them.

Ships don't sink because of the water around them.