Ships don't sink because of the water around them.

Ships don't sink because of the water around them.

Ships don't sink because of the water around them. Ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down. - OurHappyLifePage

This is one of my favorite quotes!

Yes, we are in unchartered territory right now. But we can take action to keep ourselves calm, maintain a routine, use the time wisely, and be a positive influence to our children, who are looking to us for cues on how to respond to stressful situations.

Read. Be creative. Craft something. Watch favorite old movies, or television shows. Cook your favorite meal. Bake something you've never made before. Put on music and dance. Keep a routine. Maintain yourself, even if you aren't seeing anyone. You can still put on lipstick or blow dry your hair, just so you feel good about you. Talk on the phone. Video chat. Do a puzzle. Exercise. Explore YouTube. Learn a new skill. Work on your resume and cover letter (by the way, I've been in virtual meetings with hiring managers, and for most of them, it's still business as usual. The interviews are conducted by video.)

Here are a few resources. (I am not affiliated with any of them and do not receive anything for the referral)

This is my favorite streaming workout program. I've been a member since the beginning and it is fantastic.
Gold Membership is $20/year with code CHRISGOLD20

There are many museums, Broadway shows, libraries, cooking instructors, etc. that are offering virtual tours, full length recordings, e books, and cooking demos.

Remember the most difficult time in your life, and use the same skills you used to conquer that time NOW.

We will get through this. And be stronger on the other side.

You are a warrior! Never forget that! You can do this!

And always look for the silver lining!

Build a blanket tent in the living room...

Build a blanket tent in the living room...

Birthdays are for Celebrating!

Birthdays are for Celebrating!