Phone Interviews...

Phone Interviews...

"I get lots of phone interviews, but never an in person interview." Could that be you saying this? I hear that often from prospective clients before they start working with me.

Generally, a company will offer you a phone interview first, which is known as the "screening interview" to see if they like you enough and it is worth THEIR time to call you in to the office for an in person interview (or have a video interview).

Remember, they have a position to fill, and are looking for the best person to fit that role. So, everything counts.

SHOW UP. Don't just phone it in... lol

Be energetic, polite and excited. Show your passion. Get dressed! Even though this is a phone interview, and no one can see you, YOU will feel more confident and professional if you dress the part.

One of my clients told me, I didn't have time to put on a full suit, but I put a blazer on over my pajamas, brushed my hair, and put on lipstick.

Always take this seriously! It is an ACTUAL interview!

Prepare for this interview in the same way that you would for a "real" interview, by researching the company, practicing your elevator pitch and answering potential questions, know your stories, and have intelligent questions to ask the interviewer.

Be able to speak about everything on your resume and have relevant stories and examples of your experience which matches all the points on their job posting. That is your guide. It details what they are looking for in a candidate.

Ensure that you are in a quiet space, with no disturbances.

One advantage of a phone interview is that you can have your resume and notes in front of you.

Ultimately, the interview should feel more like a conversation, and less like an interrogation.

And always remember to think about the interview and your responses from the point of view of the interviewer.

On the interview and her cellphone kept ringing...

On the interview and her cellphone kept ringing...

Afraid of the job...

Afraid of the job...