On the interview and her cellphone kept ringing...

On the interview and her cellphone kept ringing...

"I was on the interview and my cellphone kept ringing in my pocketbook, so I just pretended I didn't hear it."

OMG - Someone actually TOLD me that when they reached out to me for help with their job search.

Here's what you should do if your cellphone rings during an interview:

Turn your phone completely off (really, you can actually do that 😄) If you put your phone on airplane mode or sleep mode, people in your favorites can actually get through.

IF by some chance, you forget, and your phone rings, please don't pretend you don't hear it. You know it's your phone. The interviewer knows it's your phone.

The ONLY way to salvage the interview at that point, is to reach into your bag, completely turn off your phone, without checking to see who it was, and saying the following," I am so terribly sorry. I thought I had turned my phone off. I never would have intentionally left it on during the interview. I am very interested in this position and hope this doesn't negatively impact my chance."

Be HONEST. Depending on the interviewer, that may win them over. Remember, they are human too!

You got this...

You got this...

Phone Interviews...

Phone Interviews...