Connect the dots...

Connect the dots...

"I don't want to go back to my previous job and I have no idea how to find a job in another field?"

That is one of the biggest concerns I hear from Stay at Home Mothers looking to return to the workforce.

Good News! Most women find happiness and success in a completely different industry than the one they worked in before children.

We all possess hundreds of skills, both hard skills and soft skills and most of them are transfeable to a variety of positions and industries.

Your hard skills are the quantifiable skills that are industry specific to a certain job. These skills can often be obtained through education, degrees, certifications or years of experience

Soft skills are your abilities to communicate, handle pressure, get along with others, manage time, lead a team, etc.

You would be amazed at how many jobs rely heavily on your soft skills.

The way you get the job is to learn how to connect the dots, so the potential employer sees that your accomplishments match up with the needs and goals of their company.

A picture is worth 1,000 words

A picture is worth 1,000 words

From the mouths of babes...

From the mouths of babes...