What Do You Want to be Known For?

What Do You Want to be Known For?

🙋‍♀️ Whether you realize it or not, you are your Personal Brand, every moment of every day.

👉 It is who you are, how you treat people, how polite you are, whether you say “please’ and “thank you”, if you keep your commitments, how you dress, how you make others feel, what you post online, whether you gossip behind other people’s backs, and since we’re at it, your LinkedIn photo (put in the effort - no selfies in the car!) ❎

😃 Just because you have never posted online, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a Brand. We all do. It’s what we’re “known for”.

🤔 You get it, just maybe never thought about it that way.

💭We all know the person that is always late, cancels at the last minute, has a smile on their face even when things are tough, and always has room at their table for someone with nowhere to go during the holidays.

💫 Your Brand is not the kind of thing you can turn on and off for the hour you are in an interview. It’s who you are, every moment of every day.

💗 Here’s your chance to look in the mirror and make sure that the Brand you display to the world, matches who you know you are on the inside.

❤ Cindy

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