What is Your Dream Job?

What is Your Dream Job?

We hear the term all the time. My "DREAM JOB". 💭 But here's the thing...

Calling a job that we are applying to our "DREAM JOB" adds an incredible level of pressure and attachment to something that we...
➡️ don't have yet
➡️ and can't truly know how perfect it will be for us until we start working there.

Of course, there are companies people would LOVE to work at, but please remember...

✅ Everyone has different wants and needs, and something that may be perfect for someone else, may not be your ideal.
✅ There are lots of places where you can feel valued, rewarded, challenged, and receive great salary and benefits... not just 1 company...
✨ That's so important, I'll write it again. There are lots of places where you can feel valued, rewarded, challenged, and receive great salary and benefits... not just 1 company

🤩 Part of what makes a great job is...
✔️the team you work with
✔️your manager
✔️the level of autonomy you have
✔️not being micromanaged
✔️passion for the work you are doing
✔️and your mindset.

And that can be found in many different companies and organizations.


The Secret to Targeting Your Resume

The Secret to Targeting Your Resume

*Video - LinkedIn and Your Job Search - Part 3

*Video - LinkedIn and Your Job Search - Part 3